Growth Mindset Rocks Activity

Growth Mindset Rocks Activity for Kids

Creating Growth Mindset Rocks is a great way for kids to practicse spreading positivity and encouraging others

It's also a great project to do with your family and friends or with your classroom or activities group.

Once the growth mindset rocks are made, kids can hide them around neighbourhoods, stores, schools, and other places for people to find (see our list of ideas below).

Before you move on, be sure to sign up for our FREE weekly printables carefully crafted to teach your children’s growth mindset, resilience, and much more. Sign up below to make sure you're on the list!

Once signed up, you will immediately receive our popular Parent's Guide to a Growth Mindset.


Showcase your Growth Mindset Rocks on Facebook and Instagram. Use #biglifejournal and @biglifejournal to tag us in your photos.

Below are some ideas you can use the kindness rocks this holiday season

  • leave them out for delivery drivers (we included a sign you can print)
  • top off each place setting with a rock before the holiday dinner
  • put a basket with rocks next to toy or food drive containers for people to take

Below are some ideas where kids can hide their rocks. We recommend placing rocks in places that do not disturb nature or other natural habitats. Be sure not to place rocks in state or national parks and check with your local parks too. 

  1. Store shelves (grocery store, toy store, book store, etc.)
  2. Neighbourhoods
  3. Schools
  4. Library bookshelves
  5. Sports fields
  6. Community centre
  7. Zoo or museum
  8. Restaurants
  9. Parking lot
  10. Swimming pool
  11. Malls or outdoor shopping centres
  12. Sidewalks
  13. Benches
  14. Bus stops

Growth Mindset Rocks Basket

You can also make a Growth Mindset Rocks Basket! Put your rocks into a basket and place it on your front porch, at a community centre, or at your school for others to take. 

It's also a great thing to do for a party! 

Growth mindset rocks basket

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